Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Damn Scale

So I weighed this morning. I know I shouldn't have and now I really know it was the wrong thing to do. It makes me want to just eat tortilla chips and salsa because with all the hard work I have done, it doesn't reflect in my weight. Pisses me off.

I have been to the gym every morning this week at 5am and PUSHED myself and I am sore from my hair folicles to my toenails. I have eaten clean all week. I even had veggies and fruit instead of pie and ice cream at my husbands birthday party. I skipped all refreshments at the bridal shower last night that I attended. I have drank copius amounts of water. The only mess up I had was a diet Dr. Pepper one day. I HAVE STILL GAINED 1/2 A POUND SINCE MONDAY!!!! I am livid!

I know, I know, I might be gaining muscle, it might be that I am on my period and retaining water. I DON'T CARE. I STILL GAINED 1/2 A POUND!

I am not quitting though. And I am hiding the damn scale until Saturday morning.


  1. HIDE IT DAMNIT!!!!!!

    you lost a b-load of weight last week. you are on your period. enough said. it will all even out by monday.

    BUT... it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy if you let it make you slip up. trust me... story of my life.

    keep on keepin on. you are doing awesome. i can't believe how early you are getting up and how awesome you are doing!!!

    keep it up. you are such an inspiration. remember one day, one minute at a time. only make choices this week you would shout from the rooftops and that you are proud of.

  2. Thank you. You are right about making choices this week to be proud of. And I am. I even went to the gym again last night because I felt like I needed a little extra stress reduction.

  3. Seriously stick with it! Sometimes I don't see any difference in the scale until the day before the weigh in or the day of the weigh in.
    Although it can feel good to see the scale go down a little bit every, it is as discouraging as crap to see it either stay the same or go up a little.
    Take confidence in the fact that you know you are doing everything you should. The results will show! I believe in you!
