Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ready, Get Set....

Sunday starts a new chapter. I will be restarting the Body For Life program in full force. It is a New Year and a resolution that I WILL lose 24 lbs (that is 2 lbs a week) by March 28th. I know it sounds cliche' to say it is a New Years resolution, but what better time than this to start again?

I am ready and excited about this new journey. I have also started a new group of Fit Friends to reach their goals. I have over 50 ladies signed up to report their weight to me every Monday for the next 12 weeks. Their percentage of weight lost will be recorded and at the end of the contest, the top 3 losers will collect money that is donated to join. What a great incentive!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Boy have I been a bad girl! I have half heartedly been going to the gym and my eating bites the big one. LITERALLY! I haven't dared weigh myself because I know I have gained and my pants are tighter. I am definately a food addict.

I had huge plans to be down 20 or more lbs by this time and I am about right where I started 3 months ago. Amazing how it takes so much work to lose and it is so easy to gain it all back. I love the holidays but I really can't wait for it to be over so I can get back on track.

I am starting a new Fit Friends group that I head up on January 3rd. I hope I have the determination to stick with it and lose these pounds for good!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ouch EE!

So I have a hurt shoulder. Don't know what I did but dang it hurts! It might have been from lifting at the gym but somehow I bet it is the 20 pound baby I lug around all day with my left arm. Heat, ice and rest and baby will have to walk!

No UBWO for me today. Bummer!

Friday, December 10, 2010


I did my HIIT this morning and felt fabulous! I am running better and better and getting faster every week.

I know this may sounds silly, but I wore a shirt I got from this morning that says "Survivor" on the front. It makes me appreciate so much that I have my health and have a choice to get up and exercise and be healthy. It made me want to be a better person and make better choices. When I ran, I ran my hardest, because I can. Because I am lucky and because I AM A SURVIVOR.

This month marks 7 years in remission! Dec. 31st to be exact. It seems not long ago that I couldn't carry a load of laundry up the stairs or walk from my car to the store without having to sit down. It was 7 short years ago that I was bald and sick and filled with drugs that killed me to bring me back to life. Now I am healthy and happy and am loving running again.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Not doing so great

I have been keeping up on my workouts but not eating clean. I have gained a couple of pounds back. Goes to show you that you can exercise all you want but if you are not eating right, you won't lose the weight.

My goal right now is to maintain and not gain through the holidays. If I lose..bonus! But I am not giving up. I am not quitting the workouts and I will continue to try and eat lean most of the time.

Can't wait for January when the temptations aren't around as much!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Yatty McFatty

No wonder I am overweight. The holiday season keeps me inside and my Motherly instinct sets in to cook comfort food for my family. I made pasta and garlic bread tonight. Ate 1 cup of the pasta and sauce but had 3 slices of garlic bread. Don't think that is on the BFL eating plan!

Shit. Guess I start again tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I'm still up a pound from last Thursday's Thanksgiving meal (157.4). Dang those rolls and pie! I didn't even take measurements this last week because I know it won't show anything good.

I need to get below 155. I haven't been that weight in 7 years! Dang babies and chemo.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Feeling better!

I am so glad I am back on track today after 3 days of eating everything in sight and not working out. I did get up at 6am like I said I would and did a LBWO and added 30 mins of cardio (not so intense but at least something!). I also have ate well all day. I feel so much better!

Christmastime is so peaceful to me. We put up our tree today and all our holiday decorations. My husband built a fire and I lit a spice candle. It smells and feels so warm and wonderful tonight. I love my little (not so little) family. I am one lucky lady.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving did a doozy!

Today is Saturday and I haven't worked out since Wednesday and my eating pretty much bit the big one since then too.

Tomorrow the alarm is being set to 6am so I have no excuses during the day to miss my first workout of the week. I will not miss a workout this week and I will be eating clean all week as well. No mess ups.

I won't weigh myself until Monday morning and I am scared to see what the scale says. I hope I don't want to jump off a cliff! Just kidding, I won't.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


So I was wondering this morning what creates ambition. Some days I feel like I can take on the world and I am so focused on my goal that nothing will stop me. Then other days I want to go back to eating what I want and sleep in and miss the gym. I don't know why my mind changes back and forth like that.

I know I want to look better and feel healthier but sometimes laziness seems like a better option. I know logically it isn't! I have done well with my workouts but food, oh food seems to control me and gets in the way of my goals. How stupid that is! I guess it is an addiction like any other. I have to work my way back to eating completely clean.

Before I was diagnosed with cancer, I was eating clean and working out and living the BFL way. I was healthy and yet I still got cancer and was the sickest of my life. Why? I wonder if that is my mental block. I know I was doing all I should have been doing and I still faced death. I know that exercise and eating right are still the correct choice. I just have to CHOOSE what will ultimately make me happy. Being healthy and fit will make me happier than that cookie.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week 5.....

The first photo of each shot were of Oct. 17th and second of each shot were of Nov. 20th. You can't see a huge difference but there is a little. I have been working VERY hard in the gym and yet there is little noticable change with the photos. I need to tighten up on eating clean.


Oct. 17th 2010 Nov. 20th, 2010
Height: 5'4" Height: 5’4”
Pant Size: 12-14 Pant Size: 11/12
Weight: 162.8 Weight: 156.8
Aprox Body Fat: 36.55% (online calculator) Aprox Body Fat: 33.28%
BMI: 27.8 (overweight) BMI: 26.8 (overweight)
Bust: 37 ½ Bust: 37
Waist: 33 1/2 Waist: 31
Hips: 40 1/2 Hips: 40 1/8
Arm: 12 Arm: 12
U Thigh: 24 3/4 U Thigh: 24
Mid Thigh: 20 10/16 Mid Thigh: 19 1/2
Calve: 16 ¼ Calve: 15 ½

Weight loss to date: 6 lbs
Inches loss to date: 8.6 inches

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Feeling good again!

I have eaten clean since Sunday and feel really great again. Good UBWO on Sunday, fabulous run yesterday and my legs were burning this morning doing LBWO.

I feel lighter than last week so that is a good sign. I've been peeing a ton too so the water must be flushing out some of that junk I ate. I will take photos on Saturday to see if I can see a difference. I can definately feel a difference in my midsection and front quads.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Don't want to post this, but:

Here are my stats for last week:

Nov. 5th.......................Nov. 13th

Weight: 156.8.............158.8

Bust: 37..................... Bust: 37

Waist: 31 1/2............. Waist: 31

Hips: 40 1/4................ Hips: 40 1/4

Upper Arm: 11 14/16... Upper Arm: 11 14/16

Upper Thigh: 24........... Upper Thigh: 24

Lower Thigh: 18.......... Lower Thigh: 17 3/4

Calve: 15 1/2.............. Calve: 15 1/2

Yep, sucky. I am back on track today. Did UBWO this morning and have eaten clean all day. I plan to lose at least the 2 lbs I put on this week and finish the week feeling terrific.

I'm not quitting.

Friday, November 12, 2010

My eating.....

well, bites the big one. I pretty much have crashed on eating clean this week and thank goodness the week is coming to an end. Tomorrow is my free day and I have had a week of free days.

For some reason in my mind when I have messed up for more than a day I have messed up for the week. I have got to change that mindset. Sunday starts week 5 and I am going to write out my meal plan for the week tomorrow and do my grocery shopping so there is no guesswork.

I will weigh/measure and take my 4 week photos tomorrow. Not looking forward to it but I am on this journey and will complete this challenge.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I can see a difference

This morning while looking at my thighs when I was doing my leg extensions I could see a noticable difference in their size. It was really encouraging! I can tell that my midsection is decreasing as well.

My 13 year old was giving me a hug (GULP..doesn't happen often) yesterday and she said "Mom, you have lost A LOT of weight". That is a huge compliment from her. It makes me excited!

I almost don't want to weigh or measure myself on the morning of my free day in case the pounds or inches don't show decreases because I can FEEL me getting healthier and leaner. I will though..I am addicted and need to see progress. Either way, I'm not backing down and will continue on this journey.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Stress Eating

So I know that I eat because of my emotions. It is clear. I have been going through some painful realities and sadness the last couple of days and I tend to want to pull the covers over my head and lay in bed. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it, 5 children make that impossible.

So I turn to food. I had a piece of pizza and a cup of ice cream last night. I got up at 5 am and went to the gym this morning and did my cardio. I might have hit an 8 but my body would not respond to running faster. There is definately something about part of your brain that will allow you override your limits. Today it didn't happen.

Today I have had cereal, protein shake, water, coke, 1/4 grilled cheese sandwich, carrots, cauliflower, peppermint soft candies, fritos. I have put all these things in my mouth and am aware of it sabbotaging my eating plan but somehow it doesn't seem important today because of my stress.

I am back on the plan as of this second. Not

Friday, November 5, 2010

Week 3 day early

Week 3 Stats:

Last Week:....... This week:

Weight: 158.4....... Weight: 156.8
Bust: 37....... Bust: 37
Waist: 32....... Waist: 31 1/2
Hips: 40 1/4....... Hips: 40 1/4
Upper Arm: 11 14/16....... Upper Arm: 11 14/16
Upper Thigh: 24....... Upper Thigh: 24
Lower Thigh: 19....... Lower Thigh: 18
Calve: 15 1/2....... Calve: 15 1/2

Lost 1.6 lbs from last week and 2 1/2 inches overall. I am happy to see some results but a little discouraged on not quite 2 lbs and no loss in the hips again. I really do feel better and I thought I would have lost more in the hips/stomach area because they look a little smaller to me. Measuring myself with the tape is not an exact science either, but gives me an idea where I am at, week to week.

Today is one day early to post the weeks results because today I have made it my free day since my husband and I get to go on a date! We rarely get to do that so I am very excited about dinner AND a movie! Doing two things NEVER happens! A sweet cousin of mine volunteered to take on my little munchkins for me tonight. So excited!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Made Me Feel Good

Yesterday both my sister and a friend commented that my face and arms both look thinner! That is nice since I am only 2 1/2 weeks into this. Makes me want to keep going! Not to mention when I take a shower and see myself naked in the mirror. Gag.

Monday, November 1, 2010

My run was great....

this morning. Hit a 10 on a sprint. I feel really invigorated after a cardio session on the treadmill. I feel like I really accomplished something. That in itself makes a good start for the day.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 15...

Ugh..Having a hard time getting motivated to eat well. I feel terrible after all the junk all day yesterday (free day) but seeing all the yummy food around here for my family is hard to stick to my goals. I haven't given into temptation but I have missed 2 mini meals because I can't bring myself to having the "good stuff" either. I wish the eating part of this plan wasn't so difficult. I love my workouts but eating clean is tough!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Week 2 measurements

Okay so not as happy with this weeks results on weight but I did seem to lose some inches. I can feel a difference in my stomach and waist for sure. I am VERY sore in my glutes and quads from my LBWO Thursday. I don't know why the weight didn't move but I am guessing muscle increase.

Weight: 158.4
Bust: 37
Waist: 32
Hips: 40 1/4
Upper Arm: 11 14/16
Upper Thigh: 24
Lower Thigh: 19
Calve: 15 1/2

Okay so I think I lost over 6 inches for the week! I guess that does mean more than the scale. But I still would like to see that number go down too!!

Today is my free day and we are celebrating Halloween today so I plan on having orange rolls, apples with carmel dip and chicken enchiladas for dinner. I almost wanted to go to the gym today but decided my body might need a break since I am so sore. Tomorrow will come soon enough!

Friday, October 29, 2010

The reason I am running.....

My entire reason for starting and going to complete this challenge. I need and want to be around for my little girls and my wonderful husband. I am also doing this one thing for myself.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Finding no excuses

Last night I was up for several hours with a sick child. I got maybe 4 hours of sleep. This after taking care of 3 sick ones and taking a healthy daughter to a play she was in and then running to a store to do some grocery shopping.

This morning my alarm rang at 4:45 and for a moment I thought I should stay in bed because of how hard the day went the day before. I however went on pure willpower to get myself out of bed, brush my teeth, put on my clothes and drove myself the few miles to the gym. I got on the treadmill and did my HIIT and at first was still wondering what I was doing there!

After about 4 minutes into my routine, I felt a sense of empowerment! I have the choice to make my life what I want it to be! Do I want to continue on the path of merely surviving? Going about my days just to get through it and on to the next? What for?????? Just so I can get through each day and the next until I am old and eventually die? What kind of life is that? Sure there would be the occassional happy time but why wait for those few days a year to come to me???

There are no excuses as long as you have your health. I am so grateful that I can get up each morning even after a night of sleeplessness. I have 5 beautiful and healthy children, a hard working and loving husband, a roof over our heads, food on the table and I have the choice to make this a happy, active, fullfilling life!

No excuses...JUST DO IT!!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 9..Monday Oct 25th

Today I started out with a great cardio workout at the gym. I pushed myself pretty hard and it felt so empowering! I was next to 3 other people who just jaunted along walking at a comfortable pace and I wondered why they bothered to get out of bed. I feel like taking them and tell them to move it up or they are wasting their time!

Well here are my first week measurements...

Weight 158.4
Bust 37 1/2
Waist 33 1/2
Hips 40 1/4
Upper Arm 11 14/16
Upper Thigh 24 3/4
Lower Thigh 20 10/16
Calve 15 3/4

So not much change on the measurements and probably water weight lost...but I will keep on going!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Don't you hate it when...

You are sitting in your car and you can feel your gut hanging over the sides of your pants???

Just another reason I need to do this...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Enough is enough...

I have a love/hate relationship with shopping. I hate the crowds, the millions of choices and I especially hate when I look at myself in the mirror when trying on pants. The 11/12's fit today but I just don't like the way they look!

I've been sick for a week now and am feeling better today. I am looking forward to the end of the 12 weeks when I will be in the single digit sizes again. And then for a second contest to be even leaner.

I have joined a support group on the Body For Life website and it really does help when I want to throw in the towel and sleep in.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 1

Today starts my 12 weeks of a very dedicated exercise and eating program. I am doing a program called Body For Life. Why BFL? I have done it before and have seen terrific results!

During these 12 weeks, I plan to lose 25 lbs of body fat.
Gain muscle and endurance.
Eat healthier.
Lose the muffin top and big booty.
Gain self love about my body.
Have more energy for my daugthers and husband.

My beginning stats are:
Height: 5'4"
Pant Size: 12-14
Weight: 162.8
Aprox Body Fat: 36.55% (online calculator)
BMI: 26.9 (overweight)
Bust: 37 1/2
Waist: 33 1/2
Hips: 40 1/2
Arm: 12
U Thigh: 24 3/4
Mid Thigh: 20 10/16
Calf: 16 1/4