Monday, April 4, 2011


I started contest 2 of Body For Life yesterday. Have eaten clean and exercised hard. Having a little bit of sugar withdrawls and want a piece of that zucchini bread I made for my family tonight. But not having it. No siree...I want to be a size 6 more.

I will be posting stats soon. I gained just like I suspected over my 2 week binge. Back on the horse and riding fast!!!! I will be there June 28th!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

I found this quote....

on a blog of a man that does BFL. I love the quote!!! I am putting it where I can see it daily.

"I am not a quitter, regardless of how many times I stumble." - Bonwitty

I'm back!

I had an injury to my back that left me out of the gym for 2 weeks. Then I exercised and tried to eat right but I fell off the wagon.

I am jumping back on this Sunday the 3rd. FULL FORCE. I have 3 goals that I will reach by the end of June.

1. I will go to the gym 6 days a week and will work my HARDEST.
2. I will eat clean the BFL way 6 days a week for 12 weeks.
3. I will be leaner and stronger and smaller in 12 weeks. Goal is 2 sizes smaller.