Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ready, Get Set....

Sunday starts a new chapter. I will be restarting the Body For Life program in full force. It is a New Year and a resolution that I WILL lose 24 lbs (that is 2 lbs a week) by March 28th. I know it sounds cliche' to say it is a New Years resolution, but what better time than this to start again?

I am ready and excited about this new journey. I have also started a new group of Fit Friends to reach their goals. I have over 50 ladies signed up to report their weight to me every Monday for the next 12 weeks. Their percentage of weight lost will be recorded and at the end of the contest, the top 3 losers will collect money that is donated to join. What a great incentive!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Boy have I been a bad girl! I have half heartedly been going to the gym and my eating bites the big one. LITERALLY! I haven't dared weigh myself because I know I have gained and my pants are tighter. I am definately a food addict.

I had huge plans to be down 20 or more lbs by this time and I am about right where I started 3 months ago. Amazing how it takes so much work to lose and it is so easy to gain it all back. I love the holidays but I really can't wait for it to be over so I can get back on track.

I am starting a new Fit Friends group that I head up on January 3rd. I hope I have the determination to stick with it and lose these pounds for good!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ouch EE!

So I have a hurt shoulder. Don't know what I did but dang it hurts! It might have been from lifting at the gym but somehow I bet it is the 20 pound baby I lug around all day with my left arm. Heat, ice and rest and baby will have to walk!

No UBWO for me today. Bummer!

Friday, December 10, 2010


I did my HIIT this morning and felt fabulous! I am running better and better and getting faster every week.

I know this may sounds silly, but I wore a shirt I got from this morning that says "Survivor" on the front. It makes me appreciate so much that I have my health and have a choice to get up and exercise and be healthy. It made me want to be a better person and make better choices. When I ran, I ran my hardest, because I can. Because I am lucky and because I AM A SURVIVOR.

This month marks 7 years in remission! Dec. 31st to be exact. It seems not long ago that I couldn't carry a load of laundry up the stairs or walk from my car to the store without having to sit down. It was 7 short years ago that I was bald and sick and filled with drugs that killed me to bring me back to life. Now I am healthy and happy and am loving running again.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Not doing so great

I have been keeping up on my workouts but not eating clean. I have gained a couple of pounds back. Goes to show you that you can exercise all you want but if you are not eating right, you won't lose the weight.

My goal right now is to maintain and not gain through the holidays. If I lose..bonus! But I am not giving up. I am not quitting the workouts and I will continue to try and eat lean most of the time.

Can't wait for January when the temptations aren't around as much!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Yatty McFatty

No wonder I am overweight. The holiday season keeps me inside and my Motherly instinct sets in to cook comfort food for my family. I made pasta and garlic bread tonight. Ate 1 cup of the pasta and sauce but had 3 slices of garlic bread. Don't think that is on the BFL eating plan!

Shit. Guess I start again tomorrow.